Hosting an Academy Awards viewing party? Here are five of my easiest Oscar worthy party bites inspired by the menu created by Wolfgang Puck for the Governors BallGet all of my Oscar party tips here.

The best thing about Wolfgang Puck's menu is that it is filled with comfort food favorites, not a lot of over the top gastronomy, using quality ingredients instead of flashy techniques. So make your best comfort food dish like Mac n Cheese or you can get items like pizza or sushi from your favorite restaurant. A cheese board is always easy; guests can graze while gathered around the television.

DEVILED EGGS WITH TOPPINGS: What could be easier? Make the deviled eggs in advance and add the toppings just before guests arrive or allow them to add their own toppings. If you really feel like splurging, you can go all Wolfgang and get some caviar or truffles to shave on top. Get the recipe...

HAM AND CHEESE IN PUFF PASTRY: An unexpectedly elegant twist on ham and cheese that is so delicious, my friend Justin put it in his new cookbook. With layers of flaky, buttery puff pastry and gooey, melted cheese, this will become of your favorites, too.  Get the recipe...

CITRUS PICKLED SHRIMP: Without question, this my favorite party recipe. You can make it for a big or small crowd, you can make it in advance, and best of all, it is always a hit.I've made it for casual or very elegant occasions and adjust the way I serve it to the event. Get the recipe...

HOMEMADE TRUFFLES: You must have chocolate for an Oscar party and serving your own homemade truffles is one of those wow factors your guests will always remember. For their "award" or favor, package these in a gold box for friends to take home. Get the recipe...

DARK AND WHITE DOUBLE DRIZZLED POPCORN: What's a movie party without popcorn? Take ordinary popcorn to the next level with lots of melted chocolate. What could be better (or easier) than that? Get the recipe...