Have you tried Chambord liqueur lately? I was just fooling around with it earlier- I absolutely love it to spike my lemonade: mix fresh squeezed lemonade, cranberry juice, and vodka together and serve over ice. It is also a great quick dessert when you chill it and pour over Raspberry or lemon sorbet or vanilla ice cream It is sssoooo good!  As good as that is, this classic French Martini cocktail is my favorite. That might be because I was in Paris the first time I had one... typical, I guess. But since then, every time I have one of these, I'm transported back to a certain day, a certain ex-boyfriend, and a lovely cafe in Paris. Let's go back! (without the ex-boyfriend, that is).

Chambord French Martini

The traditional garnish for this is a blackberry as shown but you can also garnish with a raspberry skewer because Chambord is made from raspberries and blackberries.

1 1/2 ounces vodka
1/2 Chambord Liqueur
3 ounces pineapple juice
Put all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice... shake, strain, serve. Yum.